Linz Airport


Opening Hours

Airport Hours:
Mo-Fr 0530-2300L
Sa-Su 0600-2300L

Airport of Entry


Airport Slots

Not Required

ApproachesVOR/DME NDB
Airport TypeCivil
Airport Light IntensityHIGH
Airport of EntryYes
Airport of Entry Remarks
Fire Category9
Slots RequiredNo
Distance from City11 KM SW OF TOWN
RemarksGround Handling Services provided by Linz Airport
  • 100LL Line Service
  • Jet A Line Service
  • Aircraft Cleaning
  • Aircraft Lubricants
  • Aircraft Maintenance
  • Aircraft Maintenance 3rd Party
  • Aircraft Parking
  • Aircraft Parking Long Term
  • Airstairs
  • Airstart Cart
  • Baggage Carts
  • Belt Loader
  • Catering 3rd Party
  • Catering Refrigeration
  • Deicing/Anti-ice
  • Dishwashing
  • Engine Preheat
  • Flight Planning
  • Fork Lift
  • Heat Cart
  • Heated Hangar
  • Helicopter Handling
  • Hotel Booking
  • Hydrant Truck
  • Ice
  • International Trash Disposal
  • Jet Bridge
  • K Loader
  • Laundry Service - Off Site
  • Lavatory Service
  • Limousine Service
  • Medical/Ambulance Capabilities
  • Nitrogen
  • Overnight Hangar
  • Oxygen
  • Potable Water
  • Slot Coordination
  • Taxi Service
  • Vacuum Cart
  • VIP/Head of State Handling
  • Water Service
  • Wheelchairs
  • Wheelchair Lift
  • Weather Planning Service

Fuel Map
LOWI € 1.374
LOWW € 0.787
LOWG € 1.365
LOWK € 0.888
LOWS € 0.806
LOWL € 0.929

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